A Little Girl...
There once was a girl who dared to dream.
Her thoughts did shimmer, her hopes did gleam.
But as she grew, the dream she sought,
Got harder and harder but on she fought.
The dream she sought was to change the world,
She'd heard of death and with fingers curled,
That girl got up and changed the world.
For better, for worse her dreams unfurled.
She gave her life, her love her home,
To those who had none, it would be their own.
Her dreams accomplished, her hopes set free,
That girl grew up quite happily.
Then one day in a tower tall,
An areoplane did crush the wall.
The tower fell, it's twin went too,
The lives of thousands were suddenly through.
The whole world cried for lives now lost,
To lose a loved one is a terrible cost.
Life's to unknown to not do good,
Laugh, Live, Love...
We all should.
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